An alternative investment is regarded as an investment product other than traditional investments such as stocks, bonds, money markets and/or cash. In general, but not always, alternative investments offer very low correlation versus traditional investment products. For a portfolio allocation, a combination of market related investment strategies, combined with alternative investments, will often reduce the overall dreaded volatility that comes with market-based investing.
Alternative investments include non-traded REITs, Land Banking deals, Oil & Gas programs, 1031 exchanges, non-trade business development programs, collateralized funding, equipment leasing, pre-IPO and private equity deals, debt financing, managed futures, structured products, and a host of other specialty programs. They can be opportunistic or income focused.
This is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any security. Such an offer can only be made by a prospectus, which contains complete information including risks for its respective offering, if any. The use of this material is authorized only when accompanied or preceded by the prospectus to which it may relate. In that regard, this material must be read in conjunction with the current prospectus for the respective offering, if any, in order to fully understand all of the implications and risks of the offering of the securities to which it may relate. You must meet the suitability standards in order to buy any securities described herein. See the relative prospectus for more information
Oil & Gas
Resolute Capital provides eligible investors access to modern oil and gas opportunities and the attractive tax incentives that come with them. For instance, investors may be able to write off a majority of their investment in the first year (restrictions apply).*
The basics of Land Banking are:
Major companies and investors have been building wealth this way for decades. You can too, with $40,000 or more in cash or existing investments.